The Vedic Times Org’s mission is to further empower and enlighten all spiritual seekers to become stronger and holistically independent.
We’re manifesting revolutionary, caring and self-sustainable projects developed from 2015 to 2019 by Ana Lucia Alves (aka Aradhana dd), after she co-founded and successfully ran a beautiful Charity.
The Vedic Times projects are:
The Healing Arts ~ Starting with our Female Artisans Our YME (Production House) producing movies that matter Our Vastu Huts ~ For your healthy living & retirement Self Sustainable Eco-Villages ~ For healthy and independent living Holistic Clinics ~ For you (the soul), your body and mind Retreats Centers ~ To share knowledge & spread preventive medicine
The Master Plan:
In our Eco-Village Projects, funding can also be generated from our Holistic treatments, Educational efforts and our cottage industries ~ our Vastu & Sadhu Huts ~ and from its organic farming, honey sales, khaki cloth spinning, and all artistic crafts.
Barter and exchanged services is also a paradigm of service we wish to exemplify. The residential village will be a vibrant place where events, workshops, vibrational and holistic medicines, support groups, healing arts, and films with Cine Tribe Club & Studioswill be a mainstay.
We look forward to developing these projects in different locations because this will assist the healthy growth of our wonderful ‘Spiritual Community’.
Our Projects in more detail:
1. We aim to create employment to build, secure and maintain each community. 2. In each location, to have a VEDIC TIMES holistic clinic with first class treatments, free for local ‘spiritual seekers’ and paid for everyone else. 3. Self Sustainable Eco-Villages & retirement for spiritual seekers with our beautiful SADHU & VASTU HUTS. This means income during its production and more employment for our ‘spiritual community’, because these ‘first class, healthy little homes’ will also be produced for selling outside. 4. Out-Reach services (free and paid aid for the local population). 5. Holistic Education, free and paid, including spiritual education. 6. Preventive Health Care education (removing drugs, alcohol, etc). 7. Micro-Farming – Permaculture – Education (free and paid for). 8. Production of other “organic products” e.g. honey, dry fruits and flowers. And production of Art. 9. Hospice Services (employment for carers, nurses, doctors, etc).
As physicists try to uncover the base structure of matter, Yoga-Maya is working to uncover the profound psychological nature of cinema.
Historically, ’emerging’ technologies (eg. sound, color, CGI) have caused many evolutionary paths in cinema to be prematurely abandoned, leaving its true potential largely undiscovered.
This focus on technology – rather than movies – has left audiences uninspired and studios relying on marketing rather than content.
Cinema’s renaissance is about the magic of cinema; conceiving, producing and experiencing it. Yoga-Maya is all about this 21st century ‘New Wave’.
Chanting Yoga is a sublime and simple process by which one can attain peace of mind, bliss and everlasting happiness. From the vedic age came the idea of meditating with a mantra – a word or sound repeated to aid concentration. “Man” is mind and “tra” is to liberate. Therefore chanting of mantras frees the mind from entanglements.
Chanting Yoga combines two of the ancient processes of yoga – meditation (dyana) and repetition of mantras by concentrating on sound vibration. Chanting yoga offers a practical solution to the pressures of our time.
Chanting Yoga is perfectly suited to this modern time of stressful and busy lifestyles:
You can chant anywhere and anytime
You can chant alone or in a group
You can chant at work, while travelling or at home
You don’t have to wear anything special
You don’t have to sit in a particular position
You don’t have to carry out any gymnastics
Visit our website here. You can also get all Chanting Yoga updates by following us on Instagram and Facebook.
You can support these efforts so we may manifest them sooner
Please consider ticking the ‘make this a monthly donation’ box as our efforts will be on-going. And contact us if you wish to assist otherwise. Thank you!
For constant updates, please follow the Vedic Times Org on Twitter and Facebook.
The term “stress” was coined by Hans Seyle, and defines as non specific response of the body and mind to any demand, and adaptation to challenge. This physiological and psychological response is called general adaptation syndrome.
There have been various models that explain the role of stress in the development of an illness.
Due to the constant hassles of daily living and work in the form of ongoing interpersonal difficulties, persistent threat to security, financial deprivation, and other life events (stress, distress) have acted as triggering effect on the illness. This has precipitated the illness at an early age, a concept known as “brought forward time”
Stress strains the coping mechanism resulting in sequences of internal changes, which are outwardly expressed as illness. The “crisis theory” as proposed by Lindermann and Sating states that stress produces disequilibrium (crisis) resulting in either adaptative changes or maladaptive changes (emotional and physical illness).
The cybernetic model by Kagan and Levi suggests that there is a two-way interaction between psychosocial stress and psychobiological program which determines the physiological and psychological reaction leading to precursor of disease. Yoga has been found to be efficacious in resolving this stress by enhancing the internal power, rather than banking on the chemical agents.
It delays the expression of illness. It must be emphasized here that yoga is not a substitute to pharmacological intervention in acute cases, rather has an augmenting and supplementing therapeutic effect with pharmacotherapy in illness.
What prevents you from achieving at a higher level?
Lack of confidence in public speaking?
Anxiety, panic or a phobia?
Feelings of fear, greed, anger, depression, sadness, guilt, frustration, jealousy, hurt, resentment, stress or other?
Difficulty influencing others towards agreements?
Concept of what you are worth financially?
Burnt out?
Slumps in performance?
Substance abuse?
Your value system?
How to achieve success at the highest level?
How will this program help you?
A study on meditation in the workplace showed that meditation:
Increased effectiveness in the work place.
Reduced anxiety, work stress, insomnia and tiredness.
Reduced cigarette smoking and alcohol intake.
Increased job satisfaction.
It reorganizes your energy and vital force.
Heightens resistance to common diseases (viral infections).
Pranayam and meditation is known to boost your immune system.
Gain control of your emotions and mind.
Regularity and punctuality.
Better understanding in family and social life.
Increases memory.
Enhances Virtues like straight forwardness, generosity, honesty and productivity.
Managing negative emotions/feelings means an individual can achieve success at a higher level and an organization can perform closer to peak efficiency. The bottom line is increased job satisfaction and bigger profits.
Awakening our original consciousness.
Experiencing great peace and supreme knowledge.
Strengthen and recondition your entire body.
Meditation has been known to be effective in reversing heart disease, dealing with negative emotions, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, diminishing anxiety, stopping smoking, weight loss, eating disorders, addictions, boosting the immune system, and improving sports performance.
Regain youthful flexibility in spine and limbs.
Asanas (physical postures) have shown to improve the flexibility of the spine and help in the mobility of the joints.
Redistribute weight.
Illness and Yoga
1) Hypertension
In patients with anxiety, there is an increased level of catecholamine, particularly norepinephrine and epinephrine. Patients performing transcendental meditation had stable levels of catecholamine. This in turn regulated the sympatho-adrenenal medulla system, resulting in stable blood pressure (Infante, 2001).
2) Insomnia
Meditation has shown to be beneficial in sleep related problems.
3) Epilepsy
Transcendental meditation: A double-edged sword in epilepsy: Transcendental Meditation is derived from ancient yogic teachings. Both short- and long-term physiological correlates of TM practice have been studied. EEG effects include increased alpha, theta, and gamma frequencies and increased coherence and synchrony. Neuronal hyper synchrony is a cardinal feature of epilepsy, and subjective psychic symptoms, apnoea, and myoclonic jerking are characteristic of both epileptic seizures. Clinical studies of similar techniques suggest that meditation has a potential antiepileptic therapy.
In various studies, it has been suggested that behavioural phenomena have an underlying epileptic basis, and the potential efficacy for seizure reduction may translate into improved quality of life. However, more understanding is warranted by clinical trials before a blanket statement regarding the efficacy in seizure disorder is made (Yardi, 2000).
4) Smoking and Alcohol dependence: Substance Dependence
A study by Bowen et al. (2007), in a population of alcohol dependent explored the role of Vipassana, a mindfulness meditation practice emphasizes acceptance rather than suppression of unwanted thoughts. They concluded that Vipassana was effective in reduction in substance use as compared to controls. This was achieved as Vipassana meditation course volunteers reported greater reduction in attempts to avoid unwanted thoughts.
5) Psoriasis
In a study by Frankel (1998), in patients with psoriasis found that meditation helped as an adjuvant therapy. The rate of recovery of plaques was 3.8 times faster in the meditation group as compared to control, this was achieved in as little as four weeks time.
6) Chronic back pain
Back pain is an significant public health problem globally and is the most commonly reported reason for use of complimentary alternative medicine particularly yoga. Asthnga yoga and Iyengar yoga, have been found to be efficacious in patients with low back pain. Iyenger yoga has derived from Asthanga yoga, which consists of eight limbs including morale injunctions, rules for personal conduct, posture, breath control, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditation and self realization (Williams, 2005). Krusen, known as one of the early fathers of physical medicine, has credited yoga posture exercises as a means to correct spinal slumping, and thereby improve the respiratory capacity. Stretching of muscles, which produce propioceptive stimulation thereby relaxing muscle tension and restoring optimal muscle tone and posture
7) Depression
Depression is among the five most common disorders seen in primary care. Disability caused by depressive disorder rivals that of coronary artery disease and is greater than disability caused by chronic lung disease and osteoarthritis according to medical outcome study. Cost of depressive disorders in terms of treatment, missed work and loss of function is 43 billion US dollars annually. There have been various studies that have shown to be efficacious as an adjuvant therapy in patients with depressive disorder. (Pilkington et. al., 2005)
8) Psychosomatic disorders
The above-described paths of yoga help the individual in integrating the personality and steadying the mind by changing the attitude and motivation, by developing health and correct habits and by modifying priorities and values of life.
Breathing exercises help in bio-energy control, which then stabilizes emotional upheaval of illness. Yoga Asanas manipulate nervous system and divert body energy to establish the equilibrium of physical, mental and spiritual aspect of the individual’s life. Yoga hygiene not only removes the habit of unhealthy nutrition, but also establishes homeostatic balance. Somatic symptoms evolve due to fault in psychic energy distribution as explained in psychology. Yoga helps in re-channeling the psychic energy (Singh, 2006).
9) Perimenopause/ Menopause
Restorative yoga for treatment of hot flushes has been found to be effective as there was a significant decrease in mean number of hot flushes by 34% from baseline after 8 weeks of intervention. It has no adverse effects and has been suggested to be efficacious in middle-aged women (Cohen, 2007; Khalsa, 2004)
10) Carpal-tunnel syndrome
Yoga in treatment of carpal-tunnel syndrome (Winston, 1999) : Carpel tunnel syndrome is compressive neuropathy of the medial nerve in the carpel tunnel, its more common in women than men, as women have smaller carpel bone, hence less space to accommodate the nerve of similar diameter. With the extensive use of computer keyboard, the wrong posture has led to an increase in the number of new cases in the recent past. In a randomized control trial, it has been shown that eight weeks of Yoga has been found to be beneficial. There was significant reduction in the pain, and better grip strength (Sequeira, 1999).
11) Cancers
Similar to breast cancer, studies of people with prostate cancer suggest that melatonin levels are lower compared to men without cancer, and test tube studies have found that melatonin inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells. Meditation is a valuable addition to the treatment of prostate cancer. The positive effects of meditation may be due to a rise in levels of melatonin in the body.
12) Obesity
With the practice of asanas and meditation one can achieve weight loss to a greater degree in a short span of time. Weight can be reduced faster then most diets.
Caring for our body
Man has unconsciously tried to be forever young. Man has adopted various methods to achieve this goal, which has been futile and vain to a larger extent. They forget that use of revitalizing lotions or toners to erase the wrinkles is not sufficient. Pharmacological and other toxic substances (viz Botox- Botulin for wrinkles) would not help, to attain youthfulness, vigor and vitality. Yoga and meditation is suggested here, which is devoid of side effects and has lasting effect. (Infant, 2001; Travis, 1999;Travis,2001).
It enhances flexibility, regulates blood circulation, toning muscles, and redistributing body mass and enhances alertness and clarity of faculties of mind.
Yoga is a divine science, taking the mankind on the path of positive thinking. Its basis is banked on the homeostasis of all the systems as proposed by George Engel. The learned saints of ancient India discovered this process. Yoga is complete in every aspect as it touches the every sphere of human life. It is a complete science that provides a healthy lifestyle and a complete preventive medication system. Above all, it is an enlightening spiritual art. Saint Patanjali brought Yoga 5000 years ago, in a disciplined manner to preserve and produce the eight yogic practices in the form of Yoga Sutra.
Moreover, the popularity of Yoga lies in the fact that it has never bounded itself within the narrow-minded attitude of sex, community, area, religion, caste, and language.
Geopathic Stress (GS) is the phenomena whereby subterranean running water and Earth Grids (Curry/Hartman) can negatively influence the health of nearby inhabitants.
Earth Acupuncture and consultation regarding placements of sitting or sleeping areas form just part of my survey, the result of which can aid in the dispersing of GS and the subsequent relief from illness.
Geopathic stress survey includes: Geopathic stress & dowsing
Water lines & grids crossing – visual
Non-physical phenomena
Hartman Grid
Curry & other grids
Feng-shui & Vastu
Case history & Predecessor debris
Remedial measures
A Geopathic stress consultation includes:
1. Assessment of local Geopathic stress. This entails dowsing for polluted underground streams and energetic grids in and around the house using the Von Pohl scale 0-16. Negative influences can then be dissipated with Earth Acupuncture.
2. Energetic assessment for elementals, spirits and other non-physical energies. The environment can then be carefully harmonised for natural healthy human co-habitation.3. Suggestions for the alteration of the environment utilising remedies from Feng-Shui/Vastu and Yoga
Object 1: Various effects of underground water veins as illustrated by Dr. Joseph Kopp
Geopathic stress & dowsing
The term Geopathic Stress is used to describe negative energies, also known as ‘harmful earth rays’, which emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health to those living above.(1-4)
Earth energies can be bad, good or neutral. The word ‘geopathic’ is derived from the Greek words, ‘Ge’ meaning ‘the Earth’, and ‘pathos’ meaning ‘disease’ or ‘suffering’, so literally ‘suffering of the Earth’.
The surface of the earth is woven with a pattern of etheric threads identical in energy and importance to the acupuncture meridians of the human body.
These are responsible for the health and growth of the natural kingdoms of the landscape, and any interruption to their strength and harmonious flow has subtle but profound effects upon the health of the local natural life. (5,6)
The resulting etheric disharmony manifests as a lowered quality of the local natural life forces, often through the medium of what have been known in European geomancy as ‘Black Streams’. These are local capillary meridians of energy and information field flowing with underground water veins that have become toxic, whose yin-yang balance have been distorted on the side of excessive yin, i.e. stagnation. (7-9)
This is often a result of local landscape trauma along their path, maybe even be some miles away. Ascendance of degenerative over generative and regenerative influences on humans and animals occurs in places lying directly over such streams. (10-14)These bad streams are known in the Feng Shui tradition as channels of underground ‘Sha’, toxic energy. (15-18)
Just as local geology determines the local soil and vegetation, and therefore the whole natural ecology of an area, so it also affects human consciousness. (19-21)
Underground water streams, even when not ‘black’ or ‘Sha-bearing’, and geological faults are known to have an effect on the geomagnetic, ionising radiation, and etheric fields around them. (22-24)
As the Earth rotates on its axis, it functions as an electro-magnet generating electrical currents in the molten metals found within its core, and an electromagnetic field on the surface which oscillates at an average frequency of 7.83 Hz, and as German scientist Hans Burger – who had developed first EEG machine – discovered that this frequency is almost identical to the range of human Alpha brainwaves. (25)
Life on earth has evolved with this background magnetic field, and creatures are accustomed to living within its presence and are able to cope with the slight fluctuations over time caused by electrical storms and the sun’s activity.
German physicist W.O. Schumann identified and published detailed explanation of this frequency in 1952 and it has become known as Schumann Resonance (7.83 Hz). (26,27)
Geopathic stress (GS) represents a distortion of this natural frequency (Schumann Resonance) by alteration of electromagnetic fields created by streams of water flowing underground, geological fault lines, underground caverns, and certain mineral deposits (notably coal, oil, and iron). For example, where natural Earth’s vibration of 7.83 Hz crosses a water vein 200 – 500 feet below ground, Geopathic ‘stress lines’ vibrating at up to 250 Hz can be created. (28-30)
Any distortion of natural Schumann waves creates a stress with the potential to weaken the immune system of any mammal living above the distortion, leading to greater susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, parasites, environmental pollution, degenerative disease, and a wide range of health problems. (31,32)
Man-made disturbances to the earth’s surface can give rise to further distortions. Examples include canal, railway and road cuttings and embankments, bridges, tunnels, quarries, mines and underground bunkers, sewers, drains, buried utility pipes and wires, dockyard pilings, metal fence posts and road-sign poles; building foundations, particularly taller buildings with steel pilings, ground-levelling and excavations; as well as artificially created electromagnetic fields from overhead or underground cables and electricity-generating stations and sub-stations. (33-35)
Many dowsers use a 0 – 16 scale known as the Von Pohl scale (after its originator) to measure the strength of geopathic stress, in which 0 represents the healthy 7.83 Schumann frequency, and 16 an extremely strong locus corresponding to 250 Hz. (36,37)
For example, people who are sleeping on a GS locus of 9 or more (perhaps a combined score from the presence of several geopathic features) are likely to develop cancer (38,39)
Clients will often report, that in a certain room, things are constantly getting broken or arguments starting, this is clear evidence of Geopathic stress. A much lower scale perhaps but still disruptive. Other signs of lower scale Geopathic stress include irritation, anxiety depression and restless sleep. (40-43)
It is of great importance to dowse the area where one sleeps for water lines which could be energetically polluted (Sha streams), if discovered it is vital to clean the water stream but ultimately it is best to move the bed completely. (44,45)
Object 2: Examples of grid crossing with water lines and resulting illnesses
Object 3: Grids crossing with underground water lines – Scott-Morley A., JAM, 1985
This complex example shows an extreme possibility of geopathic stress. The bed is situated over a negative intersection of the Curry Grid which happens to coincide with a negative intersection of the Hartmann Net. Below the bedroom are two underground streams which cross. Thus, the bed is over an extremely yin geopathic area. Over a period of time the occupant would have a high probability of developing cancer (69)
Non-physical phenomena
Astral projection is easier and stronger along the paths of ley-lines. Vampirism is associated with the discharging energy fields and poltergeist phenomena and other materialisations with the charging field zones. Any geomagnetic disturbance is mirrored on every plane. (46,47)
Hauntings of earth-bound human ghosts and other entities, including poltergeist activity are invariably tied to negative earth energies. The relationship between haunted houses and ley-line crossings is well known. (48,49)
Ghost, spirit release and exorcism performed without attention to cleaning up the local earth energies can sometimes result in a new crop in the next day. (50,51)
Dislocated nature spirits and disturbed landscape entities can also hold trauma to the earth’s etheric web within the landscape, and are often the bearers of emotion (apathy, grief, fear, anger, etc.) in the atmosphere of a place (52-54)
The ancient eastern sciences of Feng-Shui and Vastu as well as western Druidic and Shamanic cultures speak of the energetic dis-integration of the levels of spirit, either after death or during heightened times of shock, abuse or unusual spiritual or physical emergencies. There is strong evidence drawn from a variety of case studies that demonstrate a relationship between such breakdowns in the layers of intrinsic life force and serious health abnormalities and disease. (55-58)
Obsessive behaviour, extreme emotion, trauma and addiction are often attributed to some form of energetic debris that can attach to such corresponding vibrations. This debris can often be related to trauma connected to the land, properties or vibrations from the surrounding area. (59,60)
A practitioner of Geomancy will teach the skills whereby a client can positively transform their local environment by effectively managing the energetic vibration. (61,62)
This was described by Dr Ernst Hartmann in the 1960’s. The network appears as a structure of radiations rising vertically from the ground like invisible radioactive walls. From north to south they are 25cm. wide and encountered at constant intervals of 2m., while from east to west they are 15cm. wide and the distance apart varies according to latitude from 1.2m. in Reykjavik, Iceland (63.36°N) to 2.06m. In Ried, Switzerland (40.50°N). (63)The north – south rays are Yin and linked to humidity, cramps and all forms of rheumatism. The east – west rays are Yang and linked to inflammations.Where ever two rays cross – a “Hartmann Knot”, a geo-pathogenic point is found.
The intensity of these lines increases three to four-fold at night when there are less free ions, just as radio waves are received better at night. Twenty-four hours before the arrival of an atmospheric low pressure zone, a 100% increase of gamma rays is found (up to 300% on volcanic soil) on the knots.
Twelve hours before an earthquake the thickness of the ray triples: beside the central ray appear two other weaker rays to left and right which are not normally detectable. At this time dogs howl, birds flutter madly in their cages, some cats hide under the quilt, and some people feel sick or need to sleep. During an earthquake the Hartmann network becomes twisted and distorted, but is restored half an hour later to symmetry.
Dr Hartmann suggested that both Curry and Hartmann lines are earthing grids for cosmic rays that can be distorted by other energies such as those coming from a geological fault. This network penetrates everywhere in dwellings or on open ground, but Blanche Merz has found the grid to be pushed outside certain sacred structures such as the Egyptian pyramids and temples and Himalayan Buddhist stupas, creating a dense protective wall composed of up to seven rays around the perimeter, and a ray-free interior. (66)
Object 4: Example of Hartmann grid (Between these geometric lines lies a neutral zone)
Curry Grid
This grid, described by Wittman and Curry in the 1970’s, has much in common with the Hartmann grid, but is oriented 45° from north. The south-west to north-east grid lines repeat every 2.36m, and the south-east to north-west lines every 2.7m. The lines are approximately 75cm. wide, with medically significant double negative lines repeating every 50m. (67)The double negative crossings are associated with sleep disturbances, depression and other nervous reactions, inflammations and rheumatic diseases; and also with the sites of stocks and pillories, and hellebore plants. Double positive crossings encourage enhanced cell enlargement and proliferation, even to the point of cancerous growth. (68)
Other grids
There are a series of other such grids detectable by dowsing, which can display beneficial as well as deleterious crossing points. The experience of the Fountain Groups (groups directing spiritual healing into the etheric landscape at the local or borough scale) has been that the dominant grids related to human consciousness can change with respect to strength, scale and conformation over time.
Object 5: Example of Curry grid (Dr. G. Schneck, BSD Journal, June 1995)
Vastu and Feng Shui
The ‘Vastu Purusha’ or the ‘Embodiment of energetic vibration’ is what is sometimes referred to in the west as the good vibes or nice spirit of a house or home. If the embodiment is good or the energy is rightly placed, then it can contribute to the health and well-being of the inhabitants. (70,71)
If clutter is accumulating around the ‘finance area’ of one’s room or house it will indicate a constant financial struggle to the trained eye of the Practitioner.Feng-Shui also places great emphasis on the placement of entrances, seating areas, bedrooms and empty spaces. Decorations, clutter and the arrangements of electrical equipment for instance can also impact on energies and how they are locked in time and space. All of these factors are crucial to the health of those residing in these spaces. (72,73)
It would be expected that after a treatment for illness or a health consultation, that a client would see some improvement in condition, perhaps three steps forward. Very often though once the client returns to his everyday or home environment there follows an unfortunate two steps backward and this is because of the very close co-relationship between the local Earth Pathology, the clients house and the very health of that client. (74)
According to Feng-Shui – houses play an important role in our lives, they have function, they have purpose and like a library serves study and a department store serves shopping, a house will serve the security and comfort of home life.
The location, surroundings, layout and contents of this nest can have a profound influence on the health wealth and happiness of its residents, a truth that is most unfortunately lost to the west. The microcosm of one’s house can reflect into the macrocosm of one’s world. (75,76)
Case history
A colleague, Vastu Practitioner and Geomancer lived in cul-de-sac for 15 years, they noticed that one particular house down the road was never occupied for long and was regularly resold.
From the local community, it was discovered that the house always attracted couples but that the couples would split or divorce after living together there. In the space of 15 years 5 couples had split or divorced, some within months of arrival.To make the connection between these events and the positioning and layout of the house may come as a surprise to the layman but not at all to the trained eye of those qualified in Feng Shui, Vastu or Shamanic Geomancy. (77)
Further Examples of Geopathic disharmony and predecessor debris:
– part of property built at different time
– original aim of the land not being honoured
– energetic debris from previous owner
– karmic debt of land or owners
– disharmony or curses from neighbours or others
– inappropriate locations of entrances or toilets or other architectural faults
Remedial Measures
Earth acupuncture is one of the most essential tools that can be used in curing local grids and polluted streams. However, the discharging of pollution in difficult cross-lines and grids through placement of permanent objects, is another useful means. (78,79)
The building in of features incorporating the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and wood (Flowers and plants, candle, incense, water feature, wind chimes, sound features, colour changes etc) can go a long way to co-create local balance. This is standard practice in Feng Shui. (80)
Wood and plastic will conduct energy differently; photographs of nature and family carry energetic potency; mirrors can be conflicting or suitable depending on placement; statues, emblems or totems of war or dead animals as highly unsuitable in most environments; water features stimulate growth in one place and impairment in other. These are all very important considerations.
It is a useful practice to identify the various sectors of the house, those that relate to relationship, business or communication for instance. Then to maintain a deep awareness of their significance and to consciously alter the areas appropriately, the result being that intentionally and subconsciously, change can begin to occur in the energies of the household, a type of self-induced hypnosis in relation to the living environment. (81-84)Ancient practices in the East often used Yantras and Mantras.
A Yantra is a geometrical structure which holds a certain vibration. It is sacred sound incarnated into an image or form; it has the potency to affect the vibration of the environment in which it is placed.
Mantras are the chanting and invoking of sacred sound vibration. One can set up an area in the home or an altar, for meditation or connection with the divine. (85,86)Techniques for raising one’s vibration to a level higher than that of the known pathologies, is an esoteric practice that is one of the best-known secrets in many traditions of yoga and tantra.
Historically, numerous schools of alchemy famed for creating gold were actually in the business of transforming ego into spirit to manifest a real and lasting purity of heart. (87-89)For a long time, the so-called progress of technology and development has left mankind out of touch with nature, the land around us, even our own bodies and the resulting disharmony of spirit has led to the widespread development of poor health and disease.
Not a moment too soon, some of this ancient knowledge is being re-discovered, sound vibration can actually transform life, illness and everything we know, an example being bio-resonance and frequency generating impulses that are shattering cancer. (90-96)
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Written by Andre Motuz (BScHons, LicAc, MBAcC) is a professional Geopathic Stress surveyor and Earth Acupuncture practitioner with clients in London, throughout the UK, Europe and across the globe.