All posts by Ana Lucia Alves

The difference between a COACH and a HANDLER

You hear about coaching and most likely are becoming familiar with what a “handler” is.

In show business – fashion industry – celebrity making machine world – a handler is common; even in politics there is a controlling personality who will not coach or support, but instead, their goal (or mission) is to control and most likely, if they cannot control they will eradicate.

So how to recognize and differentiate the coach from the handler?

The coach is someone who will fan whatever little fire you have regarding anything. He or she will listen to truly comprehend what you want and will support that. They will be a personality for problem-solving and forward thinking, strategically planning landmarks with you while holding you accountable in a very loving and caring way.

He or she will make you feel powerful, remove doubts from your mind while giving realistic insights and assistance for the structuring of your life, setting the stage where success can actually be achieved. The only thing in the mind of a real coach is your success, the success of your project and your life, in business or even marriage; so the sole focus is the achievement of your overall happiness and fulfillment in this life.

The handler is someone who is either naturally unbalanced, with a deep desire to control another; or it could be a straight up narcissist, with some having heavy sociopathic traits and if so, he or she will only want to control for pleasure, and most likely they’ll begin to take credit for everything you do while diminishing your past accomplishments. Overall it would be a person that comes into your life with a focus on manipulation (emotional and psychological) only to control. It could be someone who says they want “to help” by giving input and insights, but that would only be to forward their own agenda, be it for purely monetary gain – so being paid for their so called coaching services – or they could carve out a “friendship.” But again, for their own controlling and manipulative pleasures. 

Depending on what your position in society is already, it could be someone sent (employed by someone else) to “handle you” and in this way, you would be put in line with whatever agenda the employee wishes. Some handlers will just come in and mess up one’s life entirely for both a pay check and personal sociopathic pleasure.

Yes! These characters are a minority, but are fantastic manipulators, so it’s good to know they actually do exist. 

In the event you are looking to make advancement, and are humble enough to ask or just accept advice from anyone, be it a coach, a friend, or even a family member, please make sure that you know the difference in behavior so you can scan very closely what their agenda truly is. Observe how they proceed in regard to “helping you out” and most importantly, follow your in-tuition and gut feeling because that compass is a true guide. And don’t worry if the handler tries to ridicule you, just know that, if something feels fishy there’s probably someone fishy around. 

And lastly, by knowing the difference one will avoid hiring a handler for a coach. It would be terrible to actually pay someone to control you and very likely, usher you into not accomplishing your heartfelt life goals.

By Ana Lucia Alves

More blog posts @


This is one of the many reasons we’re taking upon ourselves to use the power of Cinema properly. For this we’re creating Cine Tribe Studios and sharing somewhat ‘Conscious’ and relevant Movies that may have shaped your mind!

Cine Tribe is Presenting:

Movie Nights in Tulum

Our Philosophy: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

 Buckminster Fuller

All about it HERE.

Meanwhile we’re editing the “fully independent” feature film ‘TIME TO DIE’ and pushing for the ‘CINEMATIC RENAISSANCE’ with our ‘CINE TRIBE STUDIOS’.

Please contribute as you’re able and spread the word. Thank you!

by Ana Lucia Alves


Here an intro to


In this Channel, she interviews amazing personalities (famous or not) who are actually making a difference in this world.

Also on Ana’s personal website.

EPISODE TWO: Kevin Annett on modern Indigenous Genocide, The Republic of Kanata & Great Wisdom.

And remember that we keep going with our wonderful projects (all about it below), so please get involved today!

Our Eco-Village and Vastu Huts

As you may already know, we now have a fabulous place to build 18 Vastu/Sadhu Huts, with the basic construction costs outlined and team to execute it.

Our first Eco-Village (Eco-Aldea) will be next to
our ‘Yoga Retreat Centre’ & ‘Cine Tribe’. The ‘Vastu Huts’ is a brilliant project for your peace of mind; for staying healthy and for living a truly prosperous life.

All about it here. All about it here

We’re proud to announce that ‘Yoga Maya Films’ & ‘Cine Tribe’ is producing a ‘truly independent’ feature film.


The power of Cinema is undeniable and its existence has shaped modern culture; actually  causing the loss of so much freedom and important values.

Please join us in reclaiming its power, to do only good with it!

All about ‘Time to Die’ and its first trailer (also above) on its webpage.

Please spread the word. Your participation is key!
Thank you. 

And a little about our marketing services.

All about it YMMarketing here!
Please do check it out and consider hiring us. Thanks.

And our ‘CHANTING YOGA’ Retreats.

We’re now planning our ‘Chanting Yoga Forest Retreat’ for early Spring 2021.

You can write us here to learn more.
To follow Chanting Yoga please go to:
Facebook here & here, Instagram here

Because Blissful is Your Nature!

by Ana Lucia Alves

Who cares

by Maria M. Anderson

The Creator’s extended Eden absences increased. 

Man looked up at the Heavens and complained. “You do not love me. You are never around anymore. I do all of the animal-naming myself. I am bored. I am lonely, and by-the-way, I never asked to be made in the first place. What are You going to do about that?”

God chose Archangel Jophiel to mind and mentor the solo garden human, Adam. Besides an honor, Jophiel viewed the Eden provisional placement as a welcome break from his full-time mission, directing fifty-three legions of angels, and assisting Michael with his battle against evil. 
Naming animals and Man babysitting, a breeze.

Or not.

The Creator asked for an update.

Jophiel looked up at the Heavens and complained to God. “Man is no angel. I fear, without your constant presence, love, composure, and example, Adam will remain forever as he is: selfish, childish, and ungrateful.”

The Creator pondered, then replied. “I shall create an animal companion for Adam, to always be with him and reflect My love. This animal’s devotion shall be unconditional. Regardless of how selfish, childish, or ungrateful Adam is, the companion will remain loyal and loving. Because the animal will be a reflection of Me, God, I will name it, dog.”

Dog followed Adam throughout the Garden, ate his scraps, slept by his side. Dog was conscientious and content. Dog nuzzled, played, and wagged its tail often. Adam seemed pleased.

Or not.

The Creator asked for an update.

Jophiel looked up at the Heavens and complained to God. “Dog is your finest creature. Its kindness and patience, a mirror of You. However, there is a definite disconnect. With dog at his heels, Man has become as bold as bull, as proud as peacock, as lordly as lion, and as cunning as coyote. Adam has learned from dog’s unconditional faithfulness that he is protected and loved, but what Man gravely lacks is humility.” 
The Creator sighed, then replied. “I shall create another creature companion that will see Adam for what he truly is. This creature will remind Man of his many shortcomings and weaknesses. When Adam realizes that he is not worthy of pure and unconditional animal love and companionship, he will become humble.”

God created cat. 

Cat always remained near, but did not acknowledge or obey Adam. Sometimes cat would purr and accept affection, other times Man’s gentle touch would be met with a hiss or a sharp claw. When Adam gazed into cat’s penetrating peridot eyes, he was reminded that Man was not, and never will be, Who Am. 

In time, Adam learned humility.

God was pleased. Jophiel was pleased. Dog was pleased.

Cat did not care.


About Maria here.

‘TIME TO DIE’ – The movie

Crowdfunding now!

During 2020’s early lockdown we brought together (online) an eclectic band of actors, musicians, artists and others to create a true indie movie.

‘Time to Die’ shows the last words and feelings of people from around the world, after hearing that a powerful group are carrying out a global extinction event in the next 24 hours.




Yoga-Maya Entertainment

As physicists attempt to uncover the base structure of matter, Yoga-Maya is working to uncover the profound psychological nature of cinema. Cinema’s renaissance is about the magic of cinema, as conveyed by those great artists who can convey it; free from executive committees, marketing departments and financial reports. Yoga-Maya is all about this 21st century ‘New Wave’.

Audiences are waiting.


Financing The Soul

Story by Maria M. Anderson

Gilfre paused the plow, granting his aged dappled beast invite to nibble the few early sprigs of green, poking through the departed winter’s fallow soil. It was not fatigue, but curiosity that prompted the farmer’s attention elsewhere, to the adjacent road, whereupon a team of black horned goats pulled a gilded wagon. Alone, managing the reins, appeared to be a crimson-robed king, of sorts, his hands gnarled, jeweled wooden crown worn upside-down.

“Stranger!” called Gilfre. “A foreign sight to behold, insooth!” The farmer’s hearty amusement chuckle short-lived, extinguished by sudden stench of brimstone, arrived in a hot whirl of grey smoke. The stranger now stood beside the startled farmer, and his even more terrified horse, that in a frenzied instant managed to release from its yolk and hasten home, towards the barn.

“A gallant steed,” commented the Stranger.

“In a day long passed, perhaps,” replied the farmer, whilst exchanging fear for marvel, at the speed of his spooked beast, fast fading from view.

“Perception determines value,” said the Stranger.

Every hair on Gilfre’s body prickled in foreboding, yet his curiosity was piqued by what he could not comprehend. “I am a simple farmer.”

The Stranger smiled and removed a rolled document from beneath his red robe. “Riches await. May we strike a deal?”

Finger-prick sangre signature, in exchange, the Stranger’s promissory note. Gilfre sold his soul and his horse to the faux king, for a magnificent sum, twenty pieces of gold, secured by indiscernible verbiage, pre-penned on parchment paper. At the Stranger’s instruction, as noted in the agreement, the farmer was required to immediately buy back his plow horse, and return the afore signed note, promising twenty pieces of gold, plus two additional silver coins, as interest. Silver coins, Gilfre’s sole life savings, that he was required to retrieve (much to his wife’s angry dismay) from a hidden box beneath the cottage hearth, and present in tangible actuality, to the open-handed Stranger.

Transaction complete, with verifiable receipt.

Gilfre could now tout his plow horse, to the entire village, as a fine equine specimen, one that he had purchased for twenty pieces of gold, plus two silver coins.

A stud craze ensued. Every townsperson, from near and far, who wished to capitalize on Gilfre’s invested fortune, brought broodmare, along with gold and silver payment, hoping to breed offspring of equal or greater value.

In the name of conspicuous consumption, Gilfre’s wife forgave her husband for what she’d deemed foolish. Every coin earned by the procreating plow horse, two coins were spent by his jubilant spendthrift masters. Until the old plow horse died of pleasure, leaving Gilfre and his wife with numerous debts, and no means of repayment.

Desperate not to lose his only remaining asset, his land, Gilfre called upon the faux king for advice and assistance.

The Stranger produced a second binding document, one that required the farmer’s wife to sangre sign, before financial remedy could be divulged. She pricked and penned without inquiry or hesitation.

“Very well,” said the Stranger. “I will purchase your land.” He removed a tin coin from his robe pocket and handed it to Gilfre.

“This pittance would not garner a loaf of bread from the baker, let alone the land on which the wheat was grown!” Gilfre attempted to return the coin to the Stranger. “Do you think me a simpleton?”

“Who sought my assistance?” asked the Stranger. “Go forth and inform farmers the value of their land, and my offer to purchase it before prices fall lower. Each secured parcel purchase, I will reward you with a piece of silver as commission.”

The farmer’s wife pulled her husband aside. “A fair compensation, one that will pay our debts and provide means to repurchase our land.”

Gilfre agreed.

Gilfre’s past financial success, as master of a valuable plow horse stud, gave credence to his dire alarm: Sell your land before it is too late. Frightened farmers lined up to trade their properties for coins. The Stranger, in self-pronounced charity, offered consolation to dismal market values. Since most lands had been owned and worked by families for generations, the farmers could continue to plant and harvest on their former plots, in exchange for providing a portion of crop proceeds to the Stranger. All agreed.

Gilfre and his wife once again became rich, on commission silver. Rather than squandering as before, they paid creditors and saved half of the remaining silver coins; the other half were presented to the Stranger. “I come in good faith to repurchase my land,” announced the former farmer. “Offering the amount paid, plus fair profit, to give thanks for your prior assistance and generosity.”

“That land has increased in value, tenfold.” The Stranger laughed and tossed Gilfre back his bag of silver. “A barrel of gold would not suffice for property as precious as that which you once owned.”

Word of increased property values spread like fire throughout the village. The few farmers who had not sold for a pittance were tempted to finally forgo their lands for hefty profits, paid by other foreign investors, procured by the Stranger. Most of whom paid low-wage imported crews to manage, plant, and harvest the lands. Farmers who had sold cheap, rightly feared the Stranger would increase crop proceed amounts.

Amounts soon doubled, then tripled.

To make up for the deficit, farmers inflated the price of their crops sold to merchants, and decreased the wages paid to local hired laborers. The village bakery was the first business to close. Gypsies replaced local workers, who departed town to seek better compensation, elsewhere. Children of age fled family farms for big cities, without intention of returning. Those without means entered servitude. Instead of land and toil, the generation with means, inherited or borrowed, sought ideas and progress. Skills and traditions were deemed useless by scholars who lectured about knowledge in brick and mortar institutions, created and financed by the Stranger, for profit.

The village and surrounding farms fell into abject ruin. Consumption, crime, and poverty plagued the few who remained. Still, the Stranger grew richer, claiming for his own the deserted decay, and mortgaging it to a new crop of eager speculators, who also signed sangre on the dotted line.

Years passed. Nothing remained of the village, not even its name. Gilfre’s former way of life had become an industry, owned not by many, but by a select few. Gilfre blamed himself. On his deathbed, the old farmer pleaded for his wife to summon the Stranger, one final time.

He came.

“Please, tell a dying man who you are,” implored the farmer, fast fading. “You wear a misplaced crown, but are more cunning and powerful than any king.”

“True. I own what remains of you, and many others, for eternity,” the Stranger replied. He bent down and whispered into Gilfre’s ear. “Call me, The Banker.”

The Vedic Times

Because Bliss is for Everyone


The Vedic Times Org’s mission is to further empower and enlighten all spiritual seekers to become stronger and holistically independent.

We’re manifesting revolutionary, caring and self-sustainable projects developed from 2015 to 2019 by Ana Lucia Alves (aka Aradhana dd), after she co-founded and successfully ran a beautiful Charity.

The Vedic Times projects are:

The Healing Arts ~ Starting with our Female Artisans
Our YME (Production House) producing movies that matter
Our Vastu Huts ~ For your healthy living & retirement
Self Sustainable Eco-Villages ~ For healthy and independent living
Holistic Clinics ~ For you (the soul), your body and mind
Retreats Centers ~ To share knowledge & spread preventive medicine

The Master Plan:

In our Eco-Village Projects, funding can also be generated from our Holistic treatments, Educational efforts and our cottage industries ~ our Vastu & Sadhu Huts ~ and from its organic farming, honey sales, khaki cloth spinning, and all artistic crafts.

Barter and exchanged services is also a paradigm of service we wish to exemplify. The residential village will be a vibrant place where events, workshops, vibrational and holistic medicines, support groups, healing arts, and films with Cine Tribe Club & Studios will be a mainstay.

We look forward to developing these projects in different locations because this will assist the healthy growth of our wonderful ‘Spiritual Community’.

Our Projects in more detail:

1. We aim to create employment to build, secure and maintain each community.
2. In each location, to have a VEDIC TIMES holistic clinic with first class treatments, free for local ‘spiritual seekers’ and paid for everyone else.
3. Self Sustainable Eco-Villages & retirement for spiritual seekers with our beautiful SADHU & VASTU HUTS. This means income during its production and more employment for our ‘spiritual community’, because these ‘first class, healthy little homes’ will also be produced for selling outside.
4. Out-Reach services (free and paid aid for the local population).
5. Holistic Education, free and paid, including spiritual education.
6. Preventive Health Care education (removing drugs, alcohol, etc).
7. Micro-Farming – Permaculture – Education (free and paid for).
8. Production of other “organic products” e.g. honey, dry fruits and flowers. And production of Art.
9. Hospice Services (employment for carers, nurses, doctors, etc).

Find the Vedic Times also on Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter & Instagram

Making movies with Yoga~Maya Entertainment (YME).


As physicists try to uncover the base structure of matter, Yoga-Maya is working to uncover the profound psychological nature of cinema.

More about our ‘spiritually enhanced’ mainstream feature films here

Historically, ’emerging’ technologies (eg. sound, color, CGI) have caused many evolutionary paths in cinema to be prematurely abandoned, leaving its true potential largely undiscovered.

This focus on technology – rather than movies – has left audiences uninspired and studios relying on marketing rather than content.

Cinema’s renaissance is about the magic of cinema; conceiving, producing and experiencing it. Yoga-Maya is all about this 21st century ‘New Wave’.

Audiences are waiting!

Find Yoga-Maya Entertainment on Facebook & Vimeo
See also our YM-Marketing services.

Cine Tribe is a creative hub for artists and cinephiles.

Our Website here!

Our Film Studio and Resort is on its way!

A Revolutionary and Holistic Media Studio for the creation and consumption of content that carries humanity forward.

We are creating a world-class, cutting-edge film studio that hires and serves many of the most innovative cinematic talents in the world.

To know more, please visit our website here.
Also find us on Instagram and Facebook.

See also its International Film Festival

Also presenting CHANTING YOGA


Chanting Yoga is a sublime and simple process by which one can attain peace of mind, bliss and everlasting happiness. From the vedic age came the idea of meditating with a mantra – a word or sound repeated to aid concentration. “Man” is mind and “tra” is to liberate. Therefore chanting of mantras frees the mind from entanglements.

Chanting Yoga combines two of the ancient processes of yoga – meditation (dyana) and repetition of mantras by concentrating on sound vibration. Chanting yoga offers a practical solution to the pressures of our time.

To see/book our 2020 Retreats click here.

Chanting Yoga is perfectly suited to this modern time of stressful and busy lifestyles:

  • You can chant anywhere and anytime
  • You can chant alone or in a group
  • You can chant at work, while travelling or at home
  • You don’t have to wear anything special
  • You don’t have to sit in a particular position
  • You don’t have to carry out any gymnastics

Visit our website here.
You can also get all Chanting Yoga updates by following us on
Instagram and Facebook.

You can support these efforts so we may manifest them sooner

Please consider ticking the ‘make this a monthly donation’ box as our efforts will be on-going. And contact us if you wish to assist otherwise.
Thank you!

For constant updates, please follow the Vedic Times Org on Twitter and Facebook.

Or get in touch today by writing below!
Thank you

Yoga as Preventive medicine

Stress Management

The term “stress” was coined by Hans Seyle, and defines as non specific response of the body and mind to any demand, and adaptation to challenge. This physiological and psychological response is called general adaptation syndrome.

There have been various models that explain the role of stress in the development of an illness.

Due to the constant hassles of daily living and work in the form of ongoing interpersonal difficulties, persistent threat to security, financial deprivation, and other life events (stress, distress) have acted as triggering effect on the illness. This has precipitated the illness at an early age, a concept known as “brought forward time”

Stress strains the coping mechanism resulting in sequences of internal changes, which are outwardly expressed as illness. The “crisis theory” as proposed by Lindermann and Sating states that stress produces disequilibrium (crisis) resulting in either adaptative changes or maladaptive changes (emotional and physical illness).

The cybernetic model by Kagan and Levi suggests that there is a two-way interaction between psychosocial stress and psychobiological program which determines the physiological and psychological reaction leading to precursor of disease. Yoga has been found to be efficacious in resolving this stress by enhancing the internal power, rather than banking on the chemical agents.

It delays the expression of illness. It must be emphasized here that yoga is not a substitute to pharmacological intervention in acute cases, rather has an augmenting and supplementing therapeutic effect with pharmacotherapy in illness.

Also visit out Chanting Yoga Website here


  • What prevents you from achieving at a higher level?
  • Lack of confidence in public speaking?
  • Anxiety, panic or a phobia?
  • Feelings of fear, greed, anger, depression, sadness, guilt, frustration, jealousy, hurt, resentment, stress or other?
  • Difficulty influencing others towards agreements?
  • Concept of what you are worth financially?
  • Burnt out?
  • Slumps in performance?
  • Substance abuse?
  • Your value system?
  • How to achieve success at the highest level?
  • How will this program help you?

A study on meditation in the workplace showed that meditation:

  • Increased effectiveness in the work place.
  • Reduced anxiety, work stress, insomnia and tiredness.
  • Reduced cigarette smoking and alcohol intake.
  • Increased job satisfaction.
  • It reorganizes your energy and vital force.
  • Heightens resistance to common diseases (viral infections).
  • Pranayam and meditation is known to boost your immune system.
  • Gain control of your emotions and mind.
  • Regularity and punctuality.
  • Better understanding in family and social life.
  • Increases memory.
  • Enhances Virtues like straight forwardness, generosity, honesty and productivity.
  • Managing negative emotions/feelings means an individual can achieve success at a higher level and an organization can perform closer to peak efficiency. The bottom line is increased job satisfaction and bigger profits.
  • Awakening our original consciousness.
  • Experiencing great peace and supreme knowledge.
  • Strengthen and recondition your entire body.
  • Meditation has been known to be effective in reversing heart disease, dealing with negative emotions, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, diminishing anxiety, stopping smoking, weight loss, eating disorders, addictions, boosting the immune system, and improving sports performance.
  • Regain youthful flexibility in spine and limbs.
  • Asanas (physical postures) have shown to improve the flexibility of the spine and help in the mobility of the joints.
  • Redistribute weight.

Illness and Yoga

1) Hypertension

In patients with anxiety, there is an increased level of catecholamine, particularly norepinephrine and epinephrine. Patients performing transcendental meditation had stable levels of catecholamine. This in turn regulated the sympatho-adrenenal medulla system, resulting in stable blood pressure (Infante, 2001).

2) Insomnia

Meditation has shown to be beneficial in sleep related problems.

3) Epilepsy

Transcendental meditation: A double-edged sword in epilepsy: Transcendental Meditation is derived from ancient yogic teachings. Both short- and long-term physiological correlates of TM practice have been studied. EEG effects include increased alpha, theta, and gamma frequencies and increased coherence and synchrony. Neuronal hyper synchrony is a cardinal feature of epilepsy, and subjective psychic symptoms, apnoea, and myoclonic jerking are characteristic of both epileptic seizures. Clinical studies of similar techniques suggest that meditation has a potential antiepileptic therapy.
In various studies, it has been suggested that behavioural phenomena have an underlying epileptic basis, and the potential efficacy for seizure reduction may translate into improved quality of life. However, more understanding is warranted by clinical trials before a blanket statement regarding the efficacy in seizure disorder is made (Yardi, 2000).

4) Smoking and Alcohol dependence: Substance Dependence

A study by Bowen et al. (2007), in a population of alcohol dependent explored the role of Vipassana, a mindfulness meditation practice emphasizes acceptance rather than suppression of unwanted thoughts. They concluded that Vipassana was effective in reduction in substance use as compared to controls. This was achieved as Vipassana meditation course volunteers reported greater reduction in attempts to avoid unwanted thoughts.

5) Psoriasis

In a study by Frankel (1998), in patients with psoriasis found that meditation helped as an adjuvant therapy. The rate of recovery of plaques was 3.8 times faster in the meditation group as compared to control, this was achieved in as little as four weeks time.

6) Chronic back pain

Back pain is an significant public health problem globally and is the most commonly reported reason for use of complimentary alternative medicine particularly yoga. Asthnga yoga and Iyengar yoga, have been found to be efficacious in patients with low back pain. Iyenger yoga has derived from Asthanga yoga, which consists of eight limbs including morale injunctions, rules for personal conduct, posture, breath control, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditation and self realization (Williams, 2005). Krusen, known as one of the early fathers of physical medicine, has credited yoga posture exercises as a means to correct spinal slumping, and thereby improve the respiratory capacity. Stretching of muscles, which produce propioceptive stimulation thereby relaxing muscle tension and restoring optimal muscle tone and posture

7) Depression

Depression is among the five most common disorders seen in primary care. Disability caused by depressive disorder rivals that of coronary artery disease and is greater than disability caused by chronic lung disease and osteoarthritis according to medical outcome study. Cost of depressive disorders in terms of treatment, missed work and loss of function is 43 billion US dollars annually. There have been various studies that have shown to be efficacious as an adjuvant therapy in patients with depressive disorder. (Pilkington et. al., 2005)

8) Psychosomatic disorders

The above-described paths of yoga help the individual in integrating the personality and steadying the mind by changing the attitude and motivation, by developing health and correct habits and by modifying priorities and values of life.
Breathing exercises help in bio-energy control, which then stabilizes emotional upheaval of illness. Yoga Asanas manipulate nervous system and divert body energy to establish the equilibrium of physical, mental and spiritual aspect of the individual’s life. Yoga hygiene not only removes the habit of unhealthy nutrition, but also establishes homeostatic balance. Somatic symptoms evolve due to fault in psychic energy distribution as explained in psychology. Yoga helps in re-channeling the psychic energy (Singh, 2006).

9) Perimenopause/ Menopause

Restorative yoga for treatment of hot flushes has been found to be effective as there was a significant decrease in mean number of hot flushes by 34% from baseline after 8 weeks of intervention. It has no adverse effects and has been suggested to be efficacious in middle-aged women (Cohen, 2007; Khalsa, 2004)

10) Carpal-tunnel syndrome

Yoga in treatment of carpal-tunnel syndrome (Winston, 1999) : Carpel tunnel syndrome is compressive neuropathy of the medial nerve in the carpel tunnel, its more common in women than men, as women have smaller carpel bone, hence less space to accommodate the nerve of similar diameter. With the extensive use of computer keyboard, the wrong posture has led to an increase in the number of new cases in the recent past. In a randomized control trial, it has been shown that eight weeks of Yoga has been found to be beneficial. There was significant reduction in the pain, and better grip strength (Sequeira, 1999).

11) Cancers

Similar to breast cancer, studies of people with prostate cancer suggest that melatonin levels are lower compared to men without cancer, and test tube studies have found that melatonin inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells. Meditation is a valuable addition to the treatment of prostate cancer. The positive effects of meditation may be due to a rise in levels of melatonin in the body.

12) Obesity

With the practice of asanas and meditation one can achieve weight loss to a greater degree in a short span of time. Weight can be reduced faster then most diets.

Caring for our body

Man has unconsciously tried to be forever young. Man has adopted various methods to achieve this goal, which has been futile and vain to a larger extent. They forget that use of revitalizing lotions or toners to erase the wrinkles is not sufficient. Pharmacological and other toxic substances (viz Botox- Botulin for wrinkles) would not help, to attain youthfulness, vigor and vitality. Yoga and meditation is suggested here, which is devoid of side effects and has lasting effect. (Infant, 2001; Travis, 1999;Travis,2001).

It enhances flexibility, regulates blood circulation, toning muscles, and redistributing body mass and enhances alertness and clarity of faculties of mind.

Yoga is a divine science, taking the mankind on the path of positive thinking. Its basis is banked on the homeostasis of all the systems as proposed by George Engel. The learned saints of ancient India discovered this process. Yoga is complete in every aspect as it touches the every sphere of human life. It is a complete science that provides a healthy lifestyle and a complete preventive medication system. Above all, it is an enlightening spiritual art. Saint Patanjali brought Yoga 5000 years ago, in a disciplined manner to preserve and produce the eight yogic practices in the form of Yoga Sutra.

Moreover, the popularity of Yoga lies in the fact that it has never bounded itself within the narrow-minded attitude of sex, community, area, religion, caste, and language.

Join us in one or our Chanting Yoga Retreats

Please visit our Chanting Yoga website here
And see you soon!

Yoga Maya Entertainment

A ‘New Wave’ for the 21st Century

As physicists try to uncover the base structure of matter, Yoga-Maya is working to uncover the profound psychological nature of cinema.

Historically, ’emerging’ technologies (eg. sound, color, CGI) have caused many evolutionary paths in cinema to be prematurely abandoned, leaving its true potential largely undiscovered.

This focus on technology – rather than movies – has left audiences uninspired and studios relying on marketing rather than content.

Cinema’s renaissance is about the magic of cinema; conceiving, producing and experiencing it. Yoga-Maya is all about this 21st century ‘New Wave’. Audiences are waiting.

The Mastermind

Matthew J. Morreale (Director/Writer) and Ana Lucia Alves (Producer/Actor) are the hearts and minds behind Yoga-Maya’s vision for the future of cinema.

Ana Lucia left Brazil at 18 to travel the world as a top model. Some time later, following her true calling, she studied acting and produced documentaries and short films. She’s a polyglot, now running both Yoga-Maya Entertainment and The Vedic Times Foundation.

Matthew was born in Mississippi and raised in England. He spent many years living and traveling in Europe, soaking up the culture, playing music and writing poetry. Then, with the gravitational pull of a black hole, cinema devoured him. Check out his ‘Cinema and the Psyche Podcast’.

To see more please visit Yoga Maya Films

We’re now working on our ‘Art Club’ Movie,
a ‘micro budget feature film’ for Cinemas.

To #GetInvolved please visit Ana’s Patreon page

“Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream, it takes over as the number one hormone; it bosses the enzymes; directs the pineal gland; plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to film is more film.” Frank Capra
More @